Thursday, August 20, 2015

Battle for the Craftworld - Sons of Orar - The Command models arrive!

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For a couple of months now, we've been showing you the composite photo of the Sons Of Orar army with two of the models silhouetted - the Chapter Master on Bike and the Librarian. Well, now that the Chapter Master has been featured in the digital pages of Figure Painter Magazine and the Librarian...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Battle for the Craftworld - Sons Of Orar - Drop Pod Assault!

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As we near the deadline for ticket sales (well, that's still 20 days off, so start buying now!), we are coming close to the end of these features on this year's excellent 40K armies. This feature is actually on the drop pods that I painted up for the Sons of Orar army. When we were deciding...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Battle for the Craftworld - Alaitoc Eldar - The command structure!

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Well folks, things are starting to heat up for the 2015 Charity Army Raffles. With just over three weeks until we draw the winners' names, ticket sales continue to tick over quite well, particularly for this excellent Eldar army. As everyone knows, no Eldar army is worth its salt without a Farseer...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Battle For The Craftworld - Sons Of Orar - All the Bikes!

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It is back to the Sons Of Orar for todays update. When we were writing up the army list for the Sons Of Orar, we wanted to reflect a swift-moving assault force. Something that could get in your face early on. To this end, we decided on giving the Chapter Master leading the army a Bike. This not only...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Battle for the Craftworld - Alaitoc Eldar - Wave Serpents!

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It can be pretty tough to deal with an Eldar army that runs straight at you, but that difficulty is increased exponentially when you can pile the "slower" infantry units into the tough-to-crack Wave Serpents. This Alaitoc Eldar army features not one, but THREE of this awesome xenos transport! These...