Tuesday, August 30, 2016

NOCF 2016 CHARITY RAFFLES - Flames of War Soviet Tank Company

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This is the third Flames of War army that Steve McCuen has painted for us. His previous armies have been very popular, and we feel this one pushes his quality level even higher. Everybody loves a good tank army and Soviet Tank Companies really look the part, with loads of solid green armor ready...

Monday, August 29, 2016

NOCF 2016 CHARITY RAFFLES - Mjolinar Space Marines

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Here we have yet another Space Marine army up for grabs. This army was donated anonymously, but we were able to find out a few things about it from the donor. The Mjolinar Space Marines army is based on the Dark Angels army lists, was painted over the course of eight year (in a very consistent fashion),...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

NOCF 2016 CHARITY ARMIES - Troy Tabanelli's Novamarines!

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Now that we've seen all the models from the Ork army - Da Bad Moon Skwadron - painted by the members of the Artist Consortium, it is time to take a look at the models painted by Troy Tabanelli over the last two years - the Novamarines! This army was gathered together by Eric Fontaine, and contains...