Tuesday, August 23, 2016

NOCF 2016 CHARITY ARMY RAFFLES - Da Bad Moon Skwadron (Part3)

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This weekend we were able to fill in the last missing piece for Da Bad Moon Skwadron. The Deff Dread from Greg Hess landed heavily on our doorstep and we quickly got it under the camera. Greg did an incredible conversion job to meet the army's air force theme, and his paint job is very nice too. What a wonderful centerpiece model!

We particularly love the Grot tucked away on the base!

And now, the final unit to feature in the Ork army. These crazy, mini-jet fighters come from the warped mind of Joe Johnson, leader of Team ORK this year. Heavily converted (from last Easter eggs, no less) and wonderfully painted, these models represent the Warboss and his Nobz mounted on Warbikes. There's even a Painboy in there!

You can purchase tickets for this army (and many others) by visiting the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation website.

You can buy tickets from anywhere in the world.
You do NOT need to be present to win.
We WILL ship the armies/models to ANYWHERE in the world with a valid mailing address!

Join us in raising money for some wonderful causes!

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